Saturday, November 19, 2016

Trump's Offensive Statements

The issue of whether many of the controversial remarks President Elect Trump has made are "racist", "xenophobic", and "misogynous" or not create long and winding debates. I'm not going to formally categorize them here, but rather describe their effect, which is to greatly offend people.

On the campaign trail, Hillary stated that half of Trump's supporters are "deplorable". She later walked it back saying that "half" was an exaggeration. However, that comment agitated many, and the fact it's still being talked about shows it struck a nerve.

Well, Trump has struck dozens of nerves in a similar way and rarely apologizes. You cannot expect so many to "just get over it".

Suggesting most our problems are caused by Muslims, illegal immigrants, and China sounds a lot like Adolf Hitler's speeches. Go ahead and invoke Godwin's Law; Trump comes frighteningly close to sounding like Adolf in my opinion. Maybe it's not intentional, but nobody really knows with him, making it quite unsettling. Is he just babbling too much out of habit, or is he Hitler 2.0?

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