Saturday, April 28, 2012

Bush's Screw-Ups, Reminder

For you conservatives who are suffering from Bush Amnesia, here's a reminder of Bush's fumbles, foibles, and blunders:

  • Exaggerating case for war.
  • Exaggerating ties between Iraq and Al-Qaeda.
  • Lying about "only going to war as last resort".
  • Stirring up an international "hate race" with polarizing slogans normally only found in dark comic books.
  • Commuting Libby's jail sentence despite being found guilty.
  • Violating Geneva conventions on torture.
  • Pushing to legalize torture.
  • Attempting to abandon habeas Corpus.
  • Blaming B. Clinton for financial crisis despite having 8 years to undo any Clinton-era rules he didn't like and hyping the hell out of deregulation.
  • Running up huge budget during non-recession.
  • Running up the trade deficit.
  • Pushing unchecked spying on citizens.
  • Allowing no-bid contracts for Iraq contractors.
  • Appointing unqualified buddies and unqualified political kiss-ups to key posts; FEMA and DOJ appointees being the most notable.
  • Praising and giving medals to administrators who screwed up; "Good Job Brownie" being the most notable, but also giving Medal of Freedom to "slam dunk" Tenet and Bremer.
  • Sitting on his ass after being notified of the 2nd plane hitting the tower.
  • Letting Bin Laden slip from Torah Borah by under-manning the project.
  • Letting private security contractors run amuck in Iraq.
  • Trying to let dangerous nations manage our ports.
  • Underfunding port security.
  • Pushing excessive environmental and safety deregulation.
  • Failure to keep negotiating Kyoto protocol.
  • Gutted FBI financial probes to focus on "terrism" without giving them new funds.
  • Pressuring science community to dilute global warming research.
  • Touching world leaders in strange ways.
  • Torturing the English language.
  • Running the wars poorly. (Even John McCain agreed on this.)
  • Strumming guitar and letting Condie go shoe-shopping while N.O. was taking the Mother of All Baths.
  • Putting his buddy horse trainer in charge of disaster recovery. 
  • Tying foreign aide to ineffective "abstinence" programs due to religious beliefs instead of logic.
  • Wanting to teach Creationism in schools despite zero field evidence.
  • Approving a new Iraqi flag that looked like Israel's.
  • Cutting stem-cell and cancer research.
  • Underestimating cost of war.
  • Keeping the war "off budget"
  • Planting gov't operatives to pose as journalists.
  • Downplayed relationship with Ken Lay.
  • Insulting Europeans with his "elitist" comments.
  • Forbidding states from making tougher emission standards than feds.
  • Kissing Saudi princes
  • Tried to get burger-flipping re-classified as "manufacturing" to jack up the numbers.
  • The "Freedom Car" - Used hydrogen cars as a stalling tactic instead of real change.
  • Underfunded his Mars ship
  • Puked on Japanese Priminister
  • Got "doored" by Chinese
  • "Not worried" about Bin Laden comment
  • Gave excessive tax breaks to oil co's 
  • Dismissed 7 U.S. Attorneys for their political beliefs
  • Walter Reed neglect
  • Misplaced Billions in cash in Iraq 
  • "Catapulting the propaganda" phrase

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Preview: Romney and Obama Debate on Healthcare

Similar to what we did last year, here's a simulation of a healthcare debate between the president and Mitt Romney:

Mitt: Obamacare is expensive, unpopular, and unconstitutional; and as president I will kill it!

Obama: Your Massachusetts version of the program is supported by almost two-thirds of the state of Massachusetts (MA).

Mitt: MA's program is different than Obamacare.

Obama: If you could identify the differences that would improve it, I'd gladly consider adjustments. I never said I was against tuning it to improve it. Instead, you and the GOP just want to kill it outright.

Mitt: It was a program designed to fit MA and MA's special needs. It was not intended to be a national solution. [Actually, he once claimed it was, but we'll put that aside for now.]

Obama: How specifically are the people of MA significantly different than the nation?

Mitt: It's unconstitutional!

Obama: I didn't ask about constitutionality.

Mitt: If it's unconstitutional, then the opinions of the people of MA don't matter.

Obama: You are avoiding the question.

Mitt: No, I'm just stating the reality of the situation.

Obama: I disagree that it's unconstitutional, and the nation and MA deserve a reply on the MA question. Healthcare is an important topic.

Mitt: Ask them, not me.

Obama: I guess asking you was indeed a mistake.