Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The Unemployment Rate, and Fox Trots

Notice anything odd about the right-side of this Fox News chart? 9.0 and 8.6 are at the same level. Intentional, or incompetence?

Anyhow, I keep hearing complaints from conservatives about how the general unemployment rate is calculated, implying that Obama is trying to hoodwink people. The most common approach stops counting people as unemployed if they claim they "stopped looking", which would exclude some long-term unemployed people. However, there is no measurement technique that is a perfect replacement.

You can simply ask people if they are unemployed, but the answer is generally relative. For example, if one's spouse is working and there is no immediate need for more income, the other spouse may opt to stay home and take care of domestic chores. However, if they happened to be offered a very lucrative job, they most likely would take that job even if they were not otherwise seeking employment.

The same would go for a retired person. If someone offered an average retired person an $80 per hour job, most would jump at the chance. If you have a perfect way to measure unemployment, I invite you to publish it. Otherwise, stop whining.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Dammit, Jim, Why Won't GOP Talk To Me?

Trouble with Tribbles, Trouble with Hair, Trouble Gathering Republicans.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Dissecting a Typical Fox-News Spin-Job

A couple of months ago Fox News released both a video and written report of some allegations regarding a DOJ and Federal crime probe into Gibson Guitar Corporation. This piece is fairly typical of how Fox News creates political slander using a kind of “news impressionism”, so let's dissect it in more detail.

It's actually 4 stories in one; or should I say 4 half-ass stories in one. It's a twisted mesh of bits and parts of what could have been 4 full stories in themselves which COULD HAVE provided sufficient details instead of vague notions and accusations. Real news could have been done, but instead we get a sampler plate of cherry-picked crumbs that fell off of the complete food items.

The first half-finished story is about importing illegal wood for guitar making. It's illegal to import wood from tree species that are deemed to be under the threat of extinction. But the Fox story barely touches that issue.

The second half-finished story is about the manufacturing stage of the enforcement. Fox alleges that if the product is at a later stage of manufacturing, then the restrictions wouldn't apply. The implication is that the existing laws are unfair or poorly written. It may make an interesting story to find out why it allegedly only applies to “raw” wood and not semi-manufactured wood. Is it bad law writing? Which party wrote the laws? Are multiple laws conflicting? Is it poor interpretation of the existing law(s) by the DOJ? How often does the DOJ enforce this law? Who else has been subject to such probes? But, we'll never find out here. The Road to Detail and Enlightenment was not taken by Fox in this case.

(An NPR bit on the wood issue claimed that even finished imported guitars are subject to the same rule, and that this has caused some professional musicians problems.)

The third half-finished story is on USA jobs. This comes out of the blue with no clear segue. What starts out as a story about a crime investigation turns into a story about USA jobs. If a meth lab is raided and the alleged drug makers are jailed, it would indeed cut down on USA jobs: the meth bakers' jobs. However, that's rarely mentioned in a crime news story because the alleged crime is the more important story, not the jobs of the accused.

The video version quotes a company lawyer as saying, “That whole idea flies in the face of the president's speech tomorrow about putting Americans back to work.” I'm not even sure what the point of including that quote is. It may be an allegation that “excessive” environmental regulation causes job loss. But Fox failed to explore that issue further, such as considering both the pro's and con's of protecting endangered trees.

The title of the written version of the news piece is: “Is Fed Raid on Gibson Guitar Company Enforcing Policy . . . or a Push to Target 'Made in the USA'?” If the article is about intentional “Fed” targeting of USA manufacturing just because they are manufacturing in the USA, no evidence has been given whatsoever.

The fourth half-finished story, and the most serious, is the allegation that Gibson Guitars is being targeted because the CEO is a Republican. This certainly raises some interesting questions, none of which are answered by this piece.

“Outside observers see a more sinister possibility in all of this. Henry Juszkiewicz, Gibson’s CEO, is a Republican, who has contributed to Republican candidates (as well as some Democratic candidates). Other guitar companies, which have not been targeted, are led by Democrats. Is there a political motivation to all of this?”

Fox could have asked DOJ if it's true that no other guitar companies were being investigated, or at least pointed out that the DOJ refused to comment when asked about it, if that was the case. The DOJ may have a statement or viewpoint about it, but we never get to hear it. Fox could have also interviewed some “Democrat” guitar companies for their perspective on the Gibson raid. Why should the viewer only get to hear one allegation, but not the DOJ's nor other guitar maker's view? That's not a fair and balanced report. Instead, we are left with allegations that have no evidence given for them other than personal speculation. At least, Fox presented no other evidence beyond allegations.

Regardless if any political slant that may be involved in the authorship of this story, it's clear it is POOR REPORTING in general. Several questions are raised with very little done to answer them with actual facts. Nor have sufficient attempts been made to present viewpoints of both sides about the allegations (3 sides, if we include the DOJ). Even if a reporter cannot find more facts, at least quote a diversity of opinions from relevant participants.

And this is a typical pattern in most of Fox-News: hit-and-run impressionism. It's unfair to call it “News” unless Fox actually tried to do real news. Call it, “Fox Impressions” if you want to continue the poor practices described above.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Cain: "I never touched that woman's Libya"

Is that what they call a "Cainsian Stimulus"?

Sunday, November 13, 2011

OWS and Tea-Party Walk Into a Bar...

There was a boardroom with three people in it: A bank CEO, a Tea Party member, and an OWS protestor.

As they waited they sat at a table. On the table was a plate with 12 cookies on it.

The CEO takes 11 of the cookies and then turns to the Tea Party member and yell's, "Hey! That OWS hippie is trying to take your cookie!"

So the Tea Party member grabs the remaining cookie, tosses it over to the CEO and says, "Thanks! That was a close one!"

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Name the New Conservative Nation

Many conservatives want to split the USA in two, and have a new nation of their own. Progressastan for progressives and ? for cons. Let's try to find a fitting name for it. Here are some candidates:

  • Corprafundiestan
  • Rumpistan
  • Plutocratistan
  • Leadinwaterstan
  • Bubblenomicstan
  • Burnbookistan
  • Zenophobistan
  • Neanderstan
  • Kochtucky
  • Plutocrappia
  • FlatEarthistan
  • Trickleupistan
  • Flunkistan
  • Cantreadbiblestan
  • Conspirastan
  • Loutucky
  • Klownistan
  • KKKlownistan 
  • Cantstan

More to come...

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Birth Certificate Pixelgate Debunked

There are two check-boxes on Obama's long-form birth certificate that some claim are identical, suggesting some digital manipulation. (One check-box is the “twins” question, and the other about farm residency). However, if one takes their given example and magnifies it, one sees there are some subtle differences.

In this image, the corner of the second was magnified and mirrored in order to juxtapose similar sections next to its alleged twin to make the comparison clearer. Red dots are added to aide in pixel counting. As you can see, there are differences; they are not exact copies.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Conservatives Falsely Blame Mortgage Meltdown on Government

While it is true that the federal government put into place regulations that encouraged banks to loan to poor or disadvantaged neighborhoods, the government did NOT FORCE banks to take up loans in general, especially sub-prime loans.

Banks and other lending institutions all rushed to “get in on the act” knowing about all existing mortgage regulations. If these “evil regulations” created unacceptable risk to banks and professional lenders, why did they STILL rush to get into the act?

And why did they skimp on verification practices, such as verifying applicant income? How did the “evil government” force banks to do shoddy applicant verification? Did Uncle Sam slap their hand away from the phone when they tried to call an employer to verify income? Conservatives cannot explain these, and usually try to change the subject when pressed.

One of the smarter conservative debaters (a rare breed) suggested that lending institutions took on the risk because they believed the government indirectly “backed” the loans. Thus, if the loans went bad, they may have felt that the government would bail them out. However, the fact that Lehman Brothers and many other banks went bankrupt shows there is no significant protection.

If they somehow miscalculated this element, then it's NOT the government's fault. Most bubbles are caused by some questionable belief, and this has been happening for centuries. Investors are sometimes just plain stupid and don't seem to learn from history. Blaming government is a cop-out.

Further, there's no evidence that most bad loans were to poor or disadvantaged neighborhoods. Bad loans were given to a wide profile of society and incomes. The vast majority of subprime loans were NOT made under the CRA. The meltdown was almost entirely caused by runaway lemming greed, not regulations. The FoxNews/Rush L. machine is simply pumping out BS.

More info:


Sunday, September 11, 2011

Preview of 2012 Presidential Debate

Romney: I have more business experience and know how business works.

Obama: So, what would you have done differently?

Romney: Get rid of commie regulation that strangles the free-flow and ballet-like nimbleness of business.

Obama: What is one of the regulations you will get rid of?

Romney: A bad one that slows business growth.

Obama: Such as?

Romney: Uh...minimum wage increases.

Obama: But you told the Boston Globe that you agree minimum wage should keep pace with inflation.

Romney: I did? Oh golly keester. Well, then we should have skipped the stimulus, which would create jobs.

Obama: Like Hoover did? Giving us 25% unemployment?

Romney: Well, kind of sort of, but I would shake more business leaders' hands and pat them on the back. It gives them business confidence. I look businessy and smell businessy! This country lacks business confidence and I excrete confidence! This country needs an Excreter in Cheif, like me.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Another Example of Right-Wing Word Manipulation

Forbes online recently published an article titled, New NASA Data Blows Gaping Hole in Global Warming Alarmism.

I won't go into the merit of the study under discussion here; there are other researchers and commentators that offer a critique of the referenced study. The issue I'm pointing out is how language is used to manipulate the reader.

I'll first paraphrase the story. To simplify things, let's divide the speed of global warming into, fast, medium, slow, and none. “Fast” change would mean the Earth is warming fast, and “slow” means it's warming at a very gradual rate .

The article is saying that the new study rules out the “fast” rate of warming. This implies that if warming is taking place, it's either medium or slow. The study, as interpreted by the Forbes author, is saying that the warming rate is not at the higher-end of the change spectrum, but something slower.

But rather than use the word “fast” or something similar, Forbes chose to use the word “alarmist”, which has negative connotations. Instead of saying, “fast-change computer models”, they use “alarmist computer models”, for example (as if computers panic or something). “Alarmist” implies an excessive concern or paranoia on the part of global warming experts or believers.

Forbes could have used neutral language to describe the change rate, but instead select an emotionally-charged word that characterizes researchers when it should only be characterizing the study or the planet. And they use “alarmist” fifteen times (including derived words). It's not just an isolated slip of the hand.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Plutocrats: Eeeexcellent, Tea-Party

"You saved our precious tax-cuts. The Dark Side is proud of your devious control of the Dark Forces."

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Less EPA = More Trigs = More GOP votes =

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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

You Know You're Rich If

You forget how many houses you own. Extra points if you need to pull out a calculator.

You forget how many Lamborghinis you own.

You get pissed when you have to borrow your wife's ass-wiper maid after making a #2 instead of using your favorite ass-wiper.

You accidentally bribe yourself.

Your personal jet trumps Air-force One.

Your tax loopholes have their own loopholes.

You get your butler to golf for you.

Your poodles' pooper-scooper is gold-plated.

You can pay somebody to shut down this list.

More to come...

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Business Uncertainty and Debt Ceiling

I've written about the exaggeration and hypocrisy of conservatives and "business uncertainty" twice before (June 20 and July 8), but this one takes the cake. Now they are holding our credit hostage, creating mass "business uncertainty" over their stubborn pledge not to raise any taxes on the wealthy (something about 2/3 of Americans disagree with).

Friday, July 8, 2011

Business Uncertainty and Oil

On June 20th I took a look at some of the flaws in the GOP's "Business Uncertainty" argument, which they claim is a main cause of the sluggish recovery. The uncertainty argument is also a source of hypocrisy in that oil is a business-unfriendly fuel due to instability in supplies and prices. The Middle East, and its oil supply, has long been a source of instability and probably will remain that way for a good while.

Yet, conservatives often argue that we should stick with oil as our main energy source because it's slightly cheaper than the alternatives on average. However, if instability is a major "jobs killer" and business spooker, then we should avoid oil like the plague. So, which is it, conservatives? It looks yet again like your own logic is sneaking up from the behind and biting your booty.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Hypocrisy is Patriotic!

Have a happy 4th of July, conservatives, while sitting in socialized city parks watching Mexican fireworks reflect off USA flags made in China.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Plutocrat Fact Manipulation #33

The Lying Industrial Complex is at full throttle. Look at this "fact" from the 12/18/2010 New York Post:

Myth: Republicans spent like drunken sailors.

Fact: Federal spending from 1960 through 2000 averaged 20.3% of GDP, with a slightly upward trend. The average over all Bush years, 2001 through 2008, was 19.6% of GDP – below the historical average. The 2001-2008 average deficit was also below the 1960-2000 average.

The 1960 through 2000 period includes the Reagan years, which had some of the worse deficit spending ever. That alone blew the numbers for that period sky high; and the NY Post conveniently leaves that fact out.

Other "myths" in the same article also omit details and key counter-arguments, although not quite as blatant as this one.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Glenn Beck Manipulation #32

I've encountered yet another subtle but illustrative example of how Glenn Beck manipulates listeners. He was ranting about how Obama was normalizing relations with Cuba. He then pointed out that Cuba's workforce is almost entirely government-employed (socialized), and made statements implying that's the reason for improving relationships.

We should be friendly with non-hostile nations regardless of how they employee their citizens (as long as they are not slaves). The two are generally unrelated. However, Beck forces a connection in the minds of viewers between getting along, and socialistic employment. He doesn't outright state such, but he makes so many of these kinds of subtle associations that it becomes a reflex.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The ATM Lie

The plutocratic lobby recently glommed onto a statement that Obama made about ATM machines causing loss of bank teller jobs. In the short term automation can indeed reduce jobs. It's an ebb and flow. Things change in a capitalistic economy and the churn causes short-term disruptions. Nobody ever claimed capitalism was smooth (except maybe T-baggers). Obama did NOT suggest getting rid of ATM's. His statement was twisted and turned like a turkey in Palin's grinder.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Democracy Held Hostage

So the rich are sitting on their Bush tax-cuts and refuse to spend it on hiring until they get another president that kisses up to them? There's another name for this activity....EXTORTION

Friday, June 24, 2011

Intel Ex-CEO Says Rethink Trade

Andy Grove, ex-CEO of the largest computer chip maker, Intel, encourages politicians to re-consider lopsided trade and not fear trade-wars. You only lose trade wars if you don't have experience fighting them, he suggests. This is a man with vast business and technology manufacturing experience.

As I have pointed out before, we have the advantage in any trade-war with problem nations because they have far more to lose than us. In the 1930's we had a trade surplus before we picked trade fights. You don't pick fights with a surplus; that's stupid.

Monday, June 20, 2011

The Right's "Business Uncertainty" Horsecrap

Recently a new slogan has entered in the conservative consciousness, pumped in by the plutocratic BS public-relations machines. Businesses are allegedly not hiring due to uncertainty over healthcare and/or taxes.

However, uncertainty was at an all-time high in the months after 9/11. Shoe-bombers, bra-bombers, anthrax in the mail, antibiotics shortages, etc., all contributed to high anxiety. Yet the economy avoided a recession (or at least avoided going deeper into the existing one).

Further, most businesses hire based on actual sales, not some tax fear or what-not. Our "big iron" manufacturing has largely gone overseas such that we have mostly cubicle services, not big heavy factories with slow ramp-up times. If there was demand, they'd start by hiring temporary workers if they had medium- and longer-term fears. However, this is not happening.

Plus, a businesses' competitors face the same tax and healthcare changes such that the playing field stays roughly even between companies. If both teams start out with 12 players, and the big bad wolf government came and took one player off each team such that both sides only had 11, the competitive ability of each team would remain generally the same (assuming the removed players were roughly of the same skill).

In short, it's just right-wing exaggeration and clap-trap.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

GOP Health-Care

GOP: Only the Rich Can Save You

The GOP has been strongly suggesting that jobs mostly come from the rich, and they need yet more tax-cuts before they can hand out your jobs. So middle class entrepreneurs and garage tinkerers are worthless, eh? That'll play well in the 2012 election. "Only the rich can save you". You go with it as your campaign slogan, GOP.

Kissing up to your donor base will indeed get you more campaign cash. Whether it will also get you elected, we'll see. Plutocracy Versus Democracy.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Mission Accomplished

Ironically, I stole this image from a right-wing blog ranting about health-care conspiracies.

Osama Finally Meets His 72 Virgins

(Courtesy "Family Guy")

Friday, January 21, 2011

Fear = Prophet Profits for Glenn Wreck

Becky-Boy scares listeners into stashing food and gold, claiming evil commie liberals will [bleep] the world into Armageddon. And he just happens to have connections to gold and food-storage companies. Coincidence? Fear = Profit.