Lately conservative pundits are using the term "common sense" an awful lot, and the term is rubbing off on their followers. Recently I was debating the proper steepness of the "inequality curve" to provide necessary motivation to work harder and better. Slightly higher taxes on the wealthy will allegedly make them unmotivated.
The right-winger argued that the curve has to be pretty steep; that is, heavy inequality is necessary in order to provide sufficient motivation by his view. I argued that perception of social ranking is largely relative to position (ranking among near-peers) and thus a slightly shallower curve will not kill motivation. Observations of animal behavior tend to bear this out, forgive the pun.
The right-winger then said, "Well, it's common sense that you need a steep curve" (paraphrased). I then argued that it's not common sense. We really won't know for sure without some kind of careful study of human economic behavior. I cannot cite any clear-cut direct studies that back my position and neither could he. However, my point is that common sense is not sufficient to answer such questions. (I'm sure there are plenty of indirect studies that both sides could use as ammunition.)
Not having a definitive answer from science and statistics, I can at least agree to respect somebody with the steep curve opinion if they do the same with my opinion. However, this particular right-winger insisted that "common sense" backs the steep curve view and those who don't share it are somehow brainwashed by the "left-wing media" or "commie professors". In other words, exposure to these evil entities allegedly washed away my common sense.
It turned into the usual shouting match over who is more brainwashed. But in retrospect, I believe it to be yet another manifestation of the right's anti-intellectualism. Scientific and statistical studies and processes are not to be trusted by the right. Thus, common sense, or at least their version of it, is more reliable in their view, and thus given special rank. Who needs science when you have ol' Uncle Jesse to hand down "common sense"? Probably while cleaning his shotgun.