- Trumple Stilskin
- Trumple Orangeskin
- Troompa Loompa
- Donny Boo Boo
- Cheeto Chief
- Unhappy Gilmore
- Commander in Beef
- Mar-a-Lardo
- Donny Bone Spurs
- Colludicris
- El Crappy-tan
- Hairy Poppins
- King Tutan-con-man
- Abra-scam-lincoln
- Douche-olini
- Typhoid Donnie (got staff sick)
- Flabbio
- Tangerine Twitter Machine
- Tandalorian
- Darth Tax Evader
- Jabber the Hutt
- Orange Julius Caesar
- Spready Krueger [Covid]
- Dingus Khan
- Putin's Pee Pee Pal
- Lie-ger Woods
- Tweety Gonzales
- Tanny Soprano
- Q-A-Don
- Dictator Tot
- Quid Pro Combover
- Prisoner-Elect
- Star Spangled Tanner
- Gaseous Clay
- Smellvis
- Yellvis
Fibberace (pronounced fib-er-ahchee)
- Reich Tyson
- MAGA Teresa
- Pork Choppo
- Commander & Thief
- Tannie Oakley
- Magaroni & Cheese
- Scamburglar
- Gassolini
- Groper Cleaveland
- Mar-a-Cloggo
- Vladimir Gluten
- Carrot Bottom
- Tannibal Lecter
- The Tanchurian Candidate
- Kim Don Un
- Donye West
- Genghis Don
- Burger Jean King
- Julius Squeezer
From Others
- Moutholini
- Mango Mussolini
- Don Laden
- Don Qaeda
- Hitliar
- Agolf Shittler
- Fattler
- ADHDolf
- The Count of Mostly Crisco (from Colbert)
- Cheeto Corleone
- Don Snoreleone
- Dozo the Clown
- The Nod Father
- Flush Gordon
- Hannibal Leakter
- Tribble Top
- Mess-iah
- Sharticus
- Farticus
- Coupy McTintFace
- King Tint-Uncommon
- Darth Vapor
- Donvict