Saturday, January 7, 2017

GOP, ACA, and Math

I invite any conservative to propose a better alternative to ACA. All the proposals from conservatives so far either don't have any real numbers behind them, or some group or type of coverage takes a hit to help a different group.

There are inherent trade-offs that need to be balanced; there is no free lunch or magic formula. It's easy to complain, but hard to offer alternatives that actually add up. (Single payer has reduced general medical costs overseas, but arguably creates less choice and longer waits.)

Some have proposed requiring states to accept out-of-state insurance companies to increase competition. For one, this risks trampling on state's rights. Second, states can already optionally allow any outside insurance company they want in by lowering or eliminating state standards. It hasn't reduced their costs in practice. It appears to be a ploy by GOP to reduce patient safeguards (and increase profits) by not allowing states to legislate medical safeguards.

Yes, taking away safeguards will reduce rates for many or most. But, some will then get hit harder with the consequences of lower safeguards. That defeats the very purpose of insurance. GOP seems to want insurance-lite. It's okay to propose such to the public, but be honest that it's really half-*ss insurance rather than dress it up in fancy political-speak.

Obama got the Lie-of-the-Year award for implying most or all can "keep your doctor". Don't make the same mistake, GOP, or you will also deserve a Lie-of-the-Year award, and the boot. (I kept my doctor, by the way.)

I've seen multiple surveys showing only around 20 to 25% want to go back to the way it was during the Bush years. That suggests voters want SOME kind of Federally-managed health insurance.

GOP/Trump have pushed the idea that there are easy fixes that ONLY they know how to do using some unspecified side-effect-free deregulation and making "great deals". Your turn guys; you hyped the magic beans, now grow your bean stalk and make the Giant pay for it, like promised.

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