Sunday, October 25, 2009

Glenn Wreck Depression

I saw Glenn Beck's book in the store the other day. I randomly flipped through it for the h8ll of it and landed on the page about the Great Depression. The chart Glenn or his handlers supplied fails to show the relationship he claims. It even shows the opposite: when government stimulus amount went up, the job numbers improved the subsequent year or two.

Plus, he conveniently bypasses the part about the worse job numbers ever coming about during the end of Hoover administration, around 1933. Hoover's plan was basically the same as the GOP's plan for the Mortgage Recession: do nothing. (Tax cuts were included in the 2009 stimulus plan.) After FDR came in, the numbers slowly got better.

Further, China's recent stimulus package, which was bigger than ours compared to the total economy, appears to be working well for the Chinese. (They had a rainy-day fund for a bigger stimulus package thanks to our lopsided trading.) If stimulus packages don't work, why is China humming along? Most mainstream economists support stimulus packages. It's not a "mad commie" thing like the conservative ranters claim.

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