Friday, July 23, 2010

Fox Priorities are Not Fair and Balanced

The FoxNews website has a July 22 article titled, "White House Spent $23M of Taxpayer Money to Back Kenyan Constitution That Legalizes Abortion, GOP Reps Say."

One paragraph says:
The proposed constitution will curtail the vast powers of the Kenyan president, offering more balance among the different branches of government in an effort to bring order and stability to the political process of a nation often torn by tumultuous exchanges of power.
But most of the article focuses on the fact that the new constitution legalizes abortion. In other words, the issue of abortion is more important than a stable country. I had to check to make sure I wasn't reading a Fox parody on The Onion.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

A Problem with States Rights

Rush Limbaugh once had a caller on his show who couldn't find mining work in his economically-depressed area. "There are just no jobs in my state", the caller pleaded. Rush then responded with his usual know-it-all voice, "Then Move!". "Be willing to pack up and go to where the jobs are rather than complain." (Paraphrased)

This runs smack into the conservatives' claimed importance of "states rights". One of the biggest problems with states rights is that our "dynamic" economy has forced people to move to other states to find work more often.

People are more mobile now. The 1700's "political island states" model doesn't work so smooth any more; and lopsided "free trade", a conservative trophy project, has magnified the problem by increasing economic churn, and thus location churn. It's yet another case of where one conservative idea smacks into another in a cloud of contradiction, leaving one scratching their head trying to figure out conservative logic, assuming there is such a thing.